1309 Carling Ave
Ottawa, Ontario

It looks like 2008 is going to start where 2007 left off for Agile Ottawa, with some great presentations for the group! First on that list is Kevin McGuire of IBM with "The Eclipse Milestone Process: The Inside Story".

When: Tuesday, January 15th at 7:00 PM

Where: The Theatre at BitHeads, 1309 Carling Ave. (Westgate Mall), at the entrance on the East side of the building.

What: The Eclipse Milestone Process: The Inside Story

The Eclipse project has gained a reputation for consistent, on-time delivery of high quality software. An important ingredient of this success has been its milestone process.
Get the inside scoop on how the milestone process came about, how it was refined, and the elements that make it work. Learn never before revealed secrets like why Everquest was influential. Hear the struggles the teams went through in initiating and refining the process. Determine whether you too can adopt such a strategy for your team or organization.

Kevin's history with Eclipse is about as long as you can get, being one
of the original Eclipse team members before it went open source. His
area of specialty user interface design and development. He's had
various Eclipse related roles including team lead and committer for
Team/CVS, UI design and development lead for IBM WebSphere Integration Developer, and presently a member of the Eclipse Platform UI team. Before Eclipse, Kevin has been a team lead and developer on IBM and OTI tooling projects such as Visual Age for Java, Visual Age for Smalltalk, and Envy Smalltalk.

His other interests include electronic music composition, African
drumming, generative art, and interaction technology and haptics.

Hope to see you all there!

Dave Rooney
Principal Consultant
Mayford Technologies
"Helping you become AGILE... to SURVIVE and THRIVE!"

Official Website: http://agileottawa.mayford.ca

Added by Dave Rooney on January 7, 2008

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