Afternoon seminar: Facilitating Creativity and Innovation
Optimising the relationship between R&D and marketing
* Dr Rick Mitchell, Visiting Professor, Cranfield Business School, ex Group Technical and Quality Director, Domino Printing Sciences (chair)
* Bob Bates, General Manager, Philips Connected Generations
* Arend Jan (AJ) van Bochoven, senior consultant, Business and Innovation Management Group, Cambridge Consultants Ltd
* Dr Qing Wang, Reader in Marketing and Innovation, Warwick Business School.
Successful commercialisation of technology requires a good combination of R&D and marketing disciplines which places considerable challenges and tensions on organisations. The ability to address unmet market needs increasingly calls for use of new, diverse and disruptive technologies which may need to be accessed from outside the organisations and then adapted to meet particular requirements. Furthermore, seeking early stage market validation of such ideas needs carefully consideration.
The purpose of this meeting is to explore and discuss the challenges arising in the commercialisation of new technological products to consider how R&D and Marketing activities can be best combined to support this process.
The meeting will take the form of a series of short presentations from the panellists followed by a panel discussion stimulated by questions from the audience.
Doors open for registration and coffee at 1.40pm. The meeting starts at 2pm and will conclude no later than 5pm.
You're welcome to mark yourself as coming here, to aid networking between delegates, but to guarantee a place, you must book and pay via the website.
Official Website:
Added by R and D Society on October 28, 2008