Linda Lane Park
San Clemente, California 92672

Teens are under more pressure than ever before. Peer pressure and other external influences are at its highest, and self esteem is at its lowest. How do we combat these social pressures and media images? We at OCTeenBootCamp are here to help your teenager through these growing pains by offering a fun, challenging and educational fitness program, that also infuses values into them that help them combat these vulnerabilities. Our training program will impact teens by increasing their self-esteem and self-image that a healthy, fit body breeds.

Turning them so early on in their young lives on to good nutritional and fitness habits is a stepping stone towards a lifetime of healthy motivation. By a small investment in their today, you are making a massive investment in their tomorrow.

We are looking for teenagers, beginners or advanced, to become a positive team participant in this teen-only program. Our commitment is to your teen’s tomorrow! Let's get them on the right track today!

Official Website:

Added by ocfitnessbootcamp on February 15, 2009