6136 Burlington Rd
Gibsonville, North Carolina 27342

Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum invites you to African American Heritage Day, July 18th from 11am to 4 pm. Well-known entertainers such as Josephus III, local poet and host of the 2009 Reasons2Rhyme Series; Ohemanna, a Gospel Choir; Kummbia, African Dancers; and Fred Motley, a traditional storyteller will be performing. The day will end with Boo Hanks, a Piedmont Blues artist from Music Maker Relief Foundation.

WFMY’s Carol Andrews and Sonya Correll Cook will read their children’s books to children in the Children’s Book Corner.

Numerous demonstrators and exhibitors plus vendors will take part in this exciting FREE event.
For more information, call 336-449-4846. The museum is located on Hwy. 70 in Sedalia, east of Greensboro, or I-85 Exit 135; follow the brown signs off the interstate to the site.

Official Website: http://nchistoricsites.org/chb

Added by cjwassong on June 23, 2009