The Spanish Department at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, is pleased to invite you to attend the International Conference on Advances in Oral Literature Research in celebration of the 35th Anniversary of the Department.
Place and date
The Conference will be held at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro) from 24th to 26th November 2006. (view map)
Central Topic
The central topic of the Conference is: "Theoretical and Practical Contributions to the field of Oral Literature Research". The main purpose of the Conference is to present advances made in the field of oral literature research, with emphasis on interdisciplinary and comparative studies and on Hispanic and South-Slavic oral traditions. For detailed information see Call for Papers.
Conference languages
The conference languages will be English and Spanish.
Guest speakers
* Alexis Díaz-Pimienta (Cátedra Experimental de Poesía Improvisada del lSA)
* Ana Vigara Tauste (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
* Aurelio González Pérez (Colegio de México)
* David C. Rubin (Duke University)
* David R. Olson (University of Toronto)
* Jesús Antonio Cid Martínez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
* John Miles Foley (University of Missouri)
* Maximiano Trapero (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
* Mirjana Detelic (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
* Oro Anahory Librowicz (University of Montreal)
* Ruth Finnegan (The Open University, London)
* Samuel G. Armistead (University of California, Davis)
Official Website: http://www.jasminanikolic.net/aelo35
Added by shonzilla on November 17, 2006