4651 Gleason Dr.
Dublin, California

Did you know...
that rabbits are easily litterbox trained? That they are vegetarian pets? That they like to play with toys? That they can live peacefully with cats? That many people who are allergic to cats are not allergic to rabbits? Come visit the adoptable bunnies this Saturday and learn more about what wonderful pets they are!

Join us at the East Bay SPCA in Dublin (4651 Gleason Drive, Dublin) on SATURDAY from 11am to 4pm to see the bunnies. Come and meet the bunnies who will light up your life with their twinkling eyes and sparkling personalities when you bring them into your life & home! This is an extra big event with bunnies and rabbits galore!!! 5 different rescue groups will be bringing adoptable rabbits.

Bring your bunny in for a free nail trim or to go on a bunny date with a spayed/neutered rabbit.

See East Bay Rabbit Rescue rabbits and House Rabbit Society adoptable
rabbits, too!

For questions contact Anne: [email protected]!

Added by rabbitologist on June 29, 2010

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