3175 N Broadway St
Chicago, Illinois 60657

The Lifeline - ""Class meets Sass”. Sophistication paired with an attitude that would make James Dean proud and Mozart blush. “I’ve always kind of considered myself to be the sass and Rebecca to be the class,” says vocalist Ryan T. Hope, “I think it’s just in our personalities, and because we put so much of ourselves into the music, it becomes something that’s undeniable.” Emotion drives Ryan T. Hope and Rebecca Faber’s songwriting process and dictates the direction of each note, melody, and section. Their sound undoubtedly proves that the infusion of classical music and rock music can be done, not only in a tasteful manner, but also in a way that can be appealing to a mass audience."

Bandsintown - "Founded in Boston, MA by Todd Cronin and Phil Sergi in 2007, Bandsintown connects live music fans to local live music through personalized recommendations and notifications. The company aggregates concert information and tickets from across the web, and syndicates that information to fans and other websites, blogs, media players and mobile devices through our API affiliate program."

Added by Lakeshoretheater on March 10, 2010

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