2161 North First Street
San Jose, California 95131

Speaker: Robert Kabacoff

Event Details: R has become one of the most popular languages for data analysis and graphics. This workshop will provide a practical introduction to this comprehensive platform. Participants will learn to import data into R from a variety of sources; clean, recode, and restructure data; and apply R’s many functions for summarizing, modeling, and graphing data. Both basic and more advanced forms of data analysis and graphics will be covered. Additional topics include navigating R’s comprehensive help systems, practical advice for processing data, common programming mistakes to avoid, and useful functions for data mining.

About R

The R Project– Includes the R download and FAQ
R is Hot– White Paper
Bay Area User Group(R Programming Language)
Commercial version of R – From our sponsor Revolution Analytics

Speaker Bio

Dr. Kabacoff is a seasoned researcher, specializing data analysis and graphics since 1986. As Vice President of Research for Management Research Group, he consults widely with academic, government, and corporate organizations throughout North America and Western Europe. Dr. Kabacoff has taught numerous graduate courses on topics in multivariate statistics and statistical programming and maintains the Quick-R website at http://www.statmethods.net. For more information on his book R in Action, see http://www.manning.com/kabacoff.

Added by Vera K on February 6, 2012


Vera K

The speaker is Robert Kabacoff, the author of the book "R in Action".

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