10-93 Jackson Ave.
Long Island City, NY, New York 11101

The fourth Monday of every month, Dan Wilbur (Collegehumor.com, McSweeney’s) and Kate Berlant (Cake Shop’s “Crime and Punishment”) invite the funniest stand-up comedians in NYC to perform on this FREE SHOW! Past guests have appeared on Letterman, SNL, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, and Comedy Central.

January’s lineup includes:

Rory Scovel (Comedy Central’s “Live at Gotham”)
Nick Vatterott (Second City, The IO Theater, Chicago Favorite)
Zachary Sims (D.C. Comedy Festival, New Orleans Comedy Festival)
and more!


When: Monday, January 25th @ 9:30 PM
(and every 4th Monday of the month)

Where: The Creek and the Cave
10-93 Jackson Ave (near 11th st)
Long Island City, NY
(close to the 7, G, or the E)

Phone #: 718-706-8783


Logo design: Mike Molina

Official Website: http://creeklic.com/event.php?id=1418

Added by dwilbs12 on January 10, 2010

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