3801 West Temple Avenue
Pomona, California

Participants will develop and refine the skills taught by companies in training accounting employees on internal audits. Internal audits test the internal controls used to protect financial information and review specific accounting functions for potential weaknesses. They will also examine the fundamental concepts of the complete accounting audit process and learn the various types of internal audits and the benefits of choosing internal audit.

Participants will gain an understanding of the ethics, confidentiality, necessary skills and qualifications required to be a successful auditor. They will identify the role of an independent internal auditor and explore a career as a consultant during the course.

Individuals will be introduced to the application of IFRS versus GAAP, auditing under global expansions, internal controls, COSO, corporate governance, fraud and corruptions in corporate America. This course will also provide an overview of the SOX law, FCPA, the Whistle Blower Act and the legal liability of an internal auditor (espionage).

Official Website: http://www.ceu.csupomona.edu/courses/dynamic_content/courses/default.aspx?courseid=3318

Added by CEU, CalPoly Pomona on August 1, 2012