73 Queens Park Cres. E.
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1K7

Do patients with advanced disease have a right to new and unproven medications? Patient advocates in HIV, cancer, and most recently, multiple sclerosis, have pressed for easing access to experimental therapies. Yet, such efforts come in direct conflict with policies that protect patients from fraudulent or unwarranted health claims. In this public forum, we will examine the intersections of science, patient self-determination, and patient protection.
This event marks the fourth part of a multi-part national series on Science and its Publics created by the Situating Science Strategic Knowledge Cluster, (www.situsci.ca) and the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Public Affairs, (www.ccepa.ca).
Dr. Jonathan Kimmelman, Associate Professor, Biomedical Ethics Unit, Social Studies of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine McGill University
Dr. Kerry Bowman, Bioethicist, University of Toronto and Clinical Ethicist, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto
Dr. Samuel Ludwin, Neuropathologist, Board Member, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, and Professor Emeritus, Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, Queen’s University
Dr. Anthony Lang, Senior Scientist, Division of Patient Based Clinical Research, Toronto Western Research Institute and Jack Clark Chair, University of Toronto Centre for Research
This presentation is supported by the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, York University, Neuroscience Program and the Joint Centre for Bioethics at the University of Toronto

Official Website: http://www.situsci.ca/event/access-denied-medicine-trust-and-experimental-treatments

Added by Muna Salloum on March 6, 2011

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