68 Monarch Bay Drive
San Leandro, California 94577

Claim Your Life - The Power of being Confident
Learn how to ask for what you want in your business and your personal life. There is a way to be authoritative without being intimidating and a way to be assertive without being demanding. Learn what it takes to start a business from nothing and grow into being an accomplished, successful city official.As women business owners and corporate executives, we often think we need to be forceful and demanding -- not so...there is a way to succeed just by being confident, self-assured, diplomatic and decisive.

Come and hear what the Former Mayor of San Leandro, CA has to share! You don't want to miss this event.

Official Website: https://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/details.php?eid=12390

Added by eWomenNetwork Alameda County on January 6, 2010