Losangles, California 90840

Abunza Review

Learn about making REAL MONEY right now

In my best opinion, Abunza is the first and only bilingual business opportunity with an enormous online store with over $20,000 in information, software, and travel products that you get complete 100% commissions to and reseller rights. That's it! That's all Abunza is on the outside. But I have a secret on the inside Abunza truly is phenomenal. At a first glance the back office of Abunza doesn't seem that much different than any other business opportunity. But that's only at first glance. The true power of Abunza lies in the *Support*. There are 3 main forms of support that Abunza offers that make it great

In this section we'll discuss what sets Abunza light-years ahead of the competition, which when you think about it Abunza has no competition (300 million Spanish market). No one is tapping in to that like Abunza is.

Imagine never having to close a prospect or even talk to them for that matter. Imagine having a professionally trained closer that you can send all your prospects to. Now imagine that instead of promoting Abunza those closers promoted you.

Added by abunzareview1 on December 30, 2008

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