5401 Caroline St
Houston, Texas 77004

This film documents the World War II story of young Jewish men who escaped certain danger at the hands of the Nazis and returned to fight them in Europe and North Africa. Told through the eyes of these men, the film chronicles the journey from Nazi victim to refugee and finally to Allied soldier. Filmmaker Steven Karras is also the author of the book “The Enemy I Knew.” The book is a collection of 27 first-person combat accounts, sought by the author, from German and Austrian Jews. Karras will introduce the film and discuss it afterward. He will also sign copies of his book. Admission is free, but seating is limited and advance registration is required. Visit www.hmh.org/RegisterEvent.aspx to RSVP online. For more information, call 713-942-8000, ext. 104 or e-mail [email protected].

Official Website: http://hmh.org/EventDescription.aspx?ID=532

Added by Holocaust Museum Houston on July 25, 2011