Tesco Extra (Abingdon), Marcham Road, Abingdon, Oxfordshire
Oxford, England OX14 1TU

A spontaneous 1-day mapping event for the town of Abingdon, near Oxford. Lunch in a pub or a cafe (perhaps the Spread Eagle at 1ish), maybe a quiet drink in the evening afterwards (Brewery Tap on Ock Street maybe).

OpenStreetMap.org is the free, editable map of the world! Anybody with a bit of computer knowledge and a GPS unit can contribute, but more importantly everyone is allowed do download our data and make useful mashups and beautiful maps which meet their own specific needs under extremely liberal licensing terms. Learn more about us at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/

One type of event we organise to improve the map is what's called a Micro mapping Party, a slightly planned, slightly spontaneous event where a handful of people with GPS units, cameras and scraps of notepaper converge on an area, divide the work between themselves, and map it out thoroughly during the course of a day. Read more at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Micro_Mapping_Party

Why Abingdon? Well, the main roads are done, but there are still voids for the residential areas. We should be able to fix this with a day's quick work!

If you want to join us to help map Abingdon, you'll probably need a GPS unit which records a tracklog and can save it in a form a PC can read. Extras like a digital camera aren't essential, but can help; check out our wiki for details of the bits and pieces you might need. Experienced OSM mappers of course, bring the usual.

Official Website: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/index.php/Abingdon

Added by Andrew Chadwick on October 3, 2008


Andrew Chadwick

No responses from the Cyclox people so far, and no requests to be met at stations so I'll just assume everyone's getting there under their own steam. Let me know if you want anything different!


Sorry for the no-show... the bus to Abingdon never turned up (not that I would have been able to get on it anyway, because they sold me the wrong ticket). Yay for Stagecoach...


Man-flu. Sorry!

Could do with some contact numbers really so we can alert each other about things like this.