Park Road
Abergavenny, Wales NP7 5PR

Steam Traction Engines
For the two days of the year Abergavenny is redolent with the sounds, smells and sights of a bygone era. Mighty steam traction engines, respendent in their colourful liveries, smoke belching from mighty boilers, the clank and hiss of steam are still the flagships of a fantastic day out within the Seven Hills of Abergavenny.

Veteran, Vintage, Military & Civilian Vehicles
Veteran, Vintage, Military & Civilian Vehicles look back with nostalgia to the days when Britain led the world in building vehicles. An extensive array of motorcycles continues the motoring theme. The low throb of an engine is a world away from its high-pitched screaming banshee cousin of today.

Models, Handicraft, Farming & Displays
The model tent displays superb examples of the model-makers skill while the handicraft displays give the opportunity to see craftsmen & women at work. An array of early tractors, stationary engines & farming machinery join country pursuits, such as a working smithy, a display of birds of prey & woodturning.

Each day there is a full programme of arena events including parades of all the vehicles.

Official Website:

Added by Wyedeantourism on January 20, 2011

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