487 Fair Oaks Ave
Arroyo Grande, California 93420

A Ticket to Ride, the award winning smash hit musical biography of the Beatles will appear at the Clark Center in Arroyo Grande on May 7 at 8pm. More than just a Beatles tribute concert, Ticket to Ride gives the audience a chance to “be there” at pivotal moments in the extraordinary career of the Beatles - from Liverpool’s legendary Cavern Club, to the Ed Sullivan Show, Shea Stadium’s 50,000+ screaming fans and their final live performance on the rooftop of their Apple Corp offices. Progressing through their various musical stages, the audience re-experiences the psychedelic era of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, the creation of the haunting Yesterday and the raucous rock and roll of Revolution. With manager Brian Epstein serving as Narrator, Ticket to Ride allows the audience to get a glimpse inside the world of the Beatles from their point of view, as well as hear some of the greatest songs ever written. For tickets, call 805-489-9444 or visit www.clarkcenter.org.

Official Website: http://www.clarkcenter.org

Added by clark.center on March 30, 2011

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