401 E. Campbell Ave
Campbell, California 95008

A Special Day To Honor Archangel Gabriel with Rockie Arambula - Mark March 24, 2011 as a special day on your calendar! This is when Moonfyre Metaphysical will be holding a free, all day event in honor of Archangel Gabriel. There will be activities you can do while you are here along with activities and goodies you can purchase to continue the festivities at home. We will have crystals, candles, prayers, meditations, and other activities available that tie into, and connect, with these special Archangels. Everything is designed to encourage and facilitate your new (or established) relationship with the Archangel(s). It will be a wonderful and unique day, so plan to drop by sometime on March 26, 2011 and share this exciting experience with us. Remember, there is no need to call ahead… just come as you are and when you can. See you there! When: March 24, 2011 (Sat) – All Day - Cost: Free - Held at Moonfyre Metaphysical 401 E Campbell Ave, Campbell, Ca 95008 (408)370-0333. No need to call. Just show up!

Added by MoonfyreMetaphysical on March 18, 2011