2257 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60614

In this sharp, funny and poignant play, Pearl Cleage pays tribute to Coretta Scott King through the memories of five strangers whose everyday lives embody her ongoing legacy and the triumphs and tragedies of a movement that is seared into their history. Inspired by the long line of mourners who came by Ebenezer Baptist Church to pay their respects to Mrs. Coretta Scott King, widow of the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr, 'A Song for Coretta' introduces five fictional African-American women, aged 17 to 57, waiting in the rain to say their final good-byes. Cleage shows the impact that Mrs. King had on the lives of these women, and the connections that they build with one another through her memory and legacy.

Added by Upcoming Robot on June 15, 2009