1621 W. Broad Street
Richmond, Virginia

How our bodies develop and age is a complex process. DNA is not the whole story and nature versus nurture is not so clear cut.

While every cell in our body contains the same genetic information, it’s epigenetics (or “outside genetics”) that distinguishes your muscle cells from brain cells Epigenetic research is revealing how nature interacts with nurture and what it means for, not just our individual health, but our children and grandchildren.

Come hear about it (in plain language – no background in science required) and talk it over with pioneering epigeneticist Dr. Shirley Taylor of the VCU Massey Cancer Center.

ATTENDEES ARE ASKED TO REGISTER: http://sciencepubrva5-rvanews.eventbrite.com/#

Added by RVANews on November 30, 2012

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