257 Thurnpike Road
Southborough, Massachusetts 01772

It is estimated that enterprise customers typically spend about $120 a month to fully manage one PC. This expense takes into account such things as desk-side IT visits, call center support, and management costs. Using netBoot/i Workload Optimization from Double-Take Software can potentially reduce this expense to as low as $70 per PC. In an average environment with 500 PC’s, that’s a cost reduction of $25,000 per year - an ROI of 2 years.

netBoot/i Workload Optimization is a cost-effective and flexible solution that allows customers to boot systems (desktops or servers) from images stored on industry-standard iSCSI storage area networks. Centralizing these workloads onto shared storage enables quicker provisioning, simpler migration and the ability to maintain operating systems and software on a handful of images rather than across hundreds or thousands of systems.

netBoot/i Workload Optimization delivers cost savings without compromising the end-user. It becomes a CIO’s dream and delivers significant lifecycle cost savings, improved data security, centralized management, minimal desk side support, support for current IT tools, and low deployment costs.

Please join us for this educational webinar to learn about Double-Take Software’s Workload Optimization solution.

Register today!

Official Website: https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=registration.jsp&eventid=133831&sessionid=1&key=8E3DF8097AA3B69E053A407EDFA0BB32&partnerref=socmed=register

Added by brennels on January 29, 2009

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