6701 S Desert Blvd
El Paso, Texas 79932

“A Night at the Library” was produced by students from the El Paso Community College Northwest Early College Program, CISD, and other members of the community. The digital movie-making class was sponsored by the Library in partnership
with KIDS-N-Company.
Using the exceptional technology available at the Northwest Campus Library, the students developed their
movie during July and August as part of the library’s 2009 Summer Program. The students learned to write
with concise crisp language; discover their own voice and vision, develop leadership skills in directing actors,
plan a filming schedule, and use camera angles, sound and lighting techniques.
It made for one incredible and unforgettable summer.
Please join us for a wonderful evening. Refreshments are provided.
Seating is limited. Please RSVP by Sept. 16 by calling 831-8840

Added by jimheiney on September 11, 2009