1230 Long Pond Rd
Rochester, New York 14626

Small Potatoes? A term of derision to many, but the beginning of a great meal to a creative cook. Potatoes are the ultimate in comfort food. Meatloaf and scalloped potatoes on a cool Autumn evening, salt potatoes swimming in butter at the fair, hash browns next to your bacon and eggs at breakfast.

The Chicago based folk duo of Jacquie Manning and Rich Prezioso say it has taken them years of careful indecision to develop a repertoire they describe as "Celtic to Cowboy." Superb musicianship and showmanship, award-winning songwriting, and a strong sense of tradition has made them, as Dirty Linen Magazine once said, "one of the most polished, inventive, and entertaining shows on the circuit."

"These folks are wonderful; fun, energetic, and great musicians. They're two of my favorite performers."
Bill Staines

Official Website: http://www.heartlandconcerts.org

Added by fsmousdan on November 2, 2012

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