1230 Long Pond Rd
Rochester, New York 14626

Whether you call him a "Rising Star", "Hot New Talent" or "Falcon Ridge Top 3 Most-Wanted Artist", Joe is the most exciting new performer I've seen since Stan Rogers. Born and raised in rural Ohio, with Hungarian musical roots, there's little bit of Gypsy soul in this guy. Whether it's his hypnotic guitar sound, bubbling banjo or short story lyrics, his music draws from his rural Ohio roots and his urban adventures, travels around the Finger Lakes and life in general, exuding a remarkable universal, and timeless quality.
In 1987, The Kent State Folk Festival changed his life. After hearing Harvey Reid and the Horseflies at the festival, Joe sold his electric guitar, bought a steel string acoustic and never looked back. He's a fiddler and a pretty darn good clawhammer banjo player to boot. I just have to thank whatever Muse brought Joe to settle in Ithaca, because that means we can get to see him a lot more often these days.


Added by fsmousdan on May 8, 2012

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