310 Genesee St
Utica, New York 13502

The exhibition features works by Jean Arp, Marcel Duchamp, Kurt Schwitters and others. At one time all art is "modern." During WWI, artists "turned to extreme forms of expression." Dada is what they called this new form and they immersed themselves in moralistic values, opposing the war. Dadaists, Jean Arp and Kurt Schwitter were some of the first to have their collages showcased. They are joined by Marcel Duchamp, whose most notable work is 'LHOOQ,' where he drew the Mona Lisa with a mustache. Also available for viewing will be works by John Cage and Robert Rauschenberg. A highlight of the exhibition is the Museum's inaugural showing of the 'Boite-en-valise,' or suitcase, by Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) which houses in miniature Duchamp's entire art production.

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 18, 2009