2257 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, Illinois 60614

Scrooge has no honor, nor any courage. Can three ghosts help him to become the true warrior he ought to be in time to save Tiny Tim from a horrible fate? This play is erformed in the Original Klingon with English Supertitles, and narrative analysis from The Vulcan Institute of Cultural Anthropology. The Dickens classic tale of ghosts and redemption has been adapted to reflect the Warrior Code of Honor and then translated into tlhIngan Hol (That's the Klingon Language). Commedia Beauregard is the only theatre in the world to produce a full-length play in tlhIngan Hol every year. Since 2007, when the company teamed with the IKV RakeHell of the Klingon Assault Group, CommBeau has produced 'A Klingon Christmas Carol' at a variety of venues in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul.

Added by Upcoming Robot on November 20, 2010