301 Church St.
Hayesville, North Carolina 28904

This is an inventive and entertaining interpretation of the perennial family classic. We encounter a threadbare yet plucky company of traveling players about to enact the Dickens story. They discover they have lost some important props in their travels, and the actors playing Scrooge and Tiny Tim have abandoned the production; but the show must go on! As onemight expect, the eager prop boy and cynical stage manager are pressed into service as the irrepressible director begins the production.

With its shabby and third-rate props, and without ?Marley?s chain?, the troupe inprovises, creating a magical world of make-believe. As all these rag-tag players become the characters of the immortal story, we are quickly pulled back to Victorian London and the life of skin-flint Ebenezer Scrooge.

The Christmas Spirits work their magic and warm the heart of Scrooge, as well as that of the curmudgeonly stage manager.

Added by harrisonkeely on November 25, 2005

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