4949 Cherry St
Kansas City, Missouri 64110

Join us this holiday season for the 30th Anniversary of this charming and magical production with its enchanting music, glorious costumes and entrancing scenery. You will be transported into our newly-refurbished world of Victorian London, materialized straight from the pages of Dickens’ immortal story. Experience your favorite iconic moments as well as exciting new surprises as you follow Ebenezer Scrooge on his ageless journey transforming from miser to munificent, kind citizen. Ghostly apparitions, beautiful dancing and festive carol-singing will make you feel the warmth and spirit of this newly imagined, but timeless family holiday tradition.

Recommended for all ages.

Contact venue for specific performance times and dates

Official Website: http://www.kcrep.org

Added by kcrep09 on October 4, 2010

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