350 S Bixel St
Los Angeles, California 90017

Small to mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) will garner most of the growth in new jobs in the U.S. and other countries in the coming years. California, as the 8th largest economy in the world, stands strong and ready to support SME bilateral trade and investment success with an established public and private sector network of educators, global trade marketing professionals, international attorneys, trade finance professionals, trade promotion service providers, logistic providers, foreign government agencies and industry associations.

All of these global trade sectors can be found in the new GlobalCalifornia.com website which is the theme of this year’s conference. The GlobalCalifornia.com portal will represent all of California’s global trade community in a ‘one-stop’ portal for companies here and abroad employing a ‘click & chat’ infrastructure where online content is connected to on-the-ground trade promotion support and follow-through.

The 8th annual Global California conference will feature expert panels on all of the global trade sectors as they are displayed in GlobalCalifornia.com

Official Website: http://www.mbita.org/gc2011/conference.html

Added by cristina_polesel on April 21, 2011

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