YOU ARE INVITED!!! The First Annual 80s Prom and Silent Auction to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Get your tickets now for Friday June 2 from 8pm to Midnight at the Rock Creek Mansion in Bethesda, MD. Enjoy a full premium open bar and cocktail buffet, dance to all of your favorite 80s songs, get your prom picture taken, and bid on totally awesome auction items. Shuttle service to and from the metro will be provided, and there is a Prom Hotel Package discount from Marriot. Tickets are only $75, so buy yours today! For details on how to purchase tickets, go to or call Jay Frazier at 301-675-4053. Auction items to include Brewer for a day from Rock Bottom, Nationals tickets with VIP passes, Golf Foursome to Whiskey Creek, a week vacation home in Costa Rica, and much, much more. Go to for your tickets and more details.
Official Website:
Added by 80sProm on May 11, 2006