Bancroft Ave., cross-street Telegraph Ave
Berkeley, California 94720

Craigslist Foundation announces its 7th annual Boot Camp—a one-day, high-energy conference that brings together and showcases effective community leaders. Through a series of inspiring panels, interactive workshops, collaborative programs and networking opportunities, Craigslist Foundation Boot Camp (“Boot Camp”) cultivates conversation and empowers people to affect a positive impact in their neighborhoods and communities. More than 1,500 are expected to attend this year. Confirmed speakers to-date include: Peter Block, author and consultant; Chip Conley, founder of Joie de Vivre hotels; Cindy Gallop, founder of IfWeRantheWorld; John McKnight, co-director, asset-based community development institute at Northwestern University; Rachael Myrow, host of KQED's California Report; and Craig Newmark, founder of craigslist.

Official Website:

Added by craigslistfoundation on June 17, 2010