Meet at the kiosk for tea and a sandwich (or cake!) at noon (ish) It's near Brimham House and the toilets and is about a ten-minute uphill walk from the car park.
It can get busy in the car park - charges are £4.50 for the day.
If you've not been before, Brimham has some fabulous rock formations that look like something from a Blakes Seven set. If you don't want to climb, or watch the climbers, there's plenty of places to explore. Great fun for kids too. We plan to head for a suitable pub afterwards.
If you want to climb, we have a couple of spare harnesses, we don't have anything suitable for very small children or very large adults.
If you get lost on the day, call this number: 07926 783534 and we'll come find you - or provide directions.
I'll do a weather check next week and confirm arrangements on Thursday. If it's going to be very wet, we'll go to Leeds Wall if anyone wants to climb. We have to be careful about photography there, but we know them and will be able to come to some arrangement.
Added by StripeyAnne on May 21, 2008