120 Covert Avenue
Stewart Manor, New York 11530

Citizens Against Seven Eleven

The Argyle Road Committee invites you to attend an informative meeting about 7-Eleven's plan to open a store in Stewart Manor. We, the Argyle Road Committee and other concerned citizens, believe that the presence of 7-Eleven in our village will adversely affect our quality of life -- there are safety issues, traffic problems, the presence of transients coming through our village at all hours of the night. We believe that this will adversely affect our property values. For most of us, our homes are the single biggest financial investment in our lives.

If you share our concerns, please come to this information meeting on Wednesday, September 17, at 8 p.m. at Stewart Manor Village Hall, 120 Covert Avenue, Stewart Manor.

We look forward to seeing you there.

The Argyle Road Committee

Added by alenabubs on September 16, 2008

Interested 1