78 Discovery.
Irvine, California 92618

"60 Seconds to YES!" workshops are a new and refreshing look at the "Sales Process". Our workshops will give You the tools to be more influential 24/7 and get the YES to your Product, Service or Idea More Often. You will learn "Power Tools" you can use to guide your perspective client though the "Decision Process". By understanding where your client is in this process you can jump in with them and close the sale naturally and more often. The methods in the workshops are proven and effective and look at the "Decision Process" strictly from your buyer’s perspective.

You are always 'selling' a Product, Service or Idea to everyone you encounter on a daily basis. The Product might be a house if you’re a real estate agent or Your Services if you are interviewing for a job or an Idea if you are trying to get your children's grades up. Think about how many times a day you are in these 'Buy - Sell Encounters'. The Key is to know that you are in it and how to win it, so the final outcome is Win-Win for everyone.

Our Basic Workshop in an 8 Hour course, taught by Sales Industry Leader and Best Selling Author Don Spini. You will uncover 8 Power Tools In great depth that You can use immediately to peak your buyers interest to the Ultimate Level! By using these proven methods of Sales and Influence, you can get the YES to your Product, Service or Idea more often!

Utilizing the Tools in the "60 Seconds to YES!" Workshop, You will Learn to:

* Master the Buy / Sell encounter, Using 8 Power Tools.
* Have someone say YES to YOUR product, service or idea.
* Construct an Impossible to say NO to presentation.
* Be more Influential 24/7.
* Become an Effective Leader and Communicator.
* Overcome Objections with ease.
* Close the Sale More Often!

Seating is Limited. Register Today!

Added by OC Sales Training on February 10, 2011