6301 S St.
Sacramento, California 95817

Nest Egg Retirement Workshops is a non-profit group of professionals who are committed to teaching YOU how to make retirement planning and investing easy... During this 5-week workshop we show you how to wade through all of the confusion!

Whether you have lost everything… Even if you have procrastinated and have nothing saved… We can show you catch-up strategies that work in today’s economy. Learn ways to stretch your retirement dollar, how to develop and understand your retirement plan, how to rebuild & protect your retirement and make smart and timely decisions. We even teach you how to find your own Financial Independence Number (FIN), and figure out the best time for you to retire.

Come out and network with people who know what it takes to get back on track! Gain peace of mind knowing that you’re prepared for retirement.

Limited Seating, Please RSVP Today!!!

Not a sales presentation. This workshop is strictly educational and is completely free of charge. Non Profit-National Endowment for Financial Education

Added by Elisha Choice on February 15, 2011

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