3 Appletree Square
Bloomington, Minnesota 55425

Join us for:
Music with a DJ
Cash Bar in the hall outside
Lots of fun with your friends!

Meet & Greet at 6:00 pm, Ball from 7:00-11:00 pm
Admission $10.00 at the door or in advance via PayPal

Contest #1
Costume Contest... Of course, there is a costume contest. If you'd like to participate, there will be a sign up sheet right by the ticket taker. Sign up and you'll receive a large number which you need to pin to your costume. All Masquerade Ball attendees will get a ballot during the dance, and will put down the number of their choice contestant.

Ballots will be gathered up, counted, and announced around 10pm. The first place winner will receive two free registrations to MarsCon 2011, second place will receive one registration, and third place a unique chocolate prize.

Contest #2
Musical Waltz Quiz... What's a musical waltz quiz? As a special treat for those historical re-enactor attendees, we will be playing several waltzes during the course of the evening. (A little easier to dance to in all those hoop skirts and corsets.)

Each waltz will be taken from a well-known SF, Fantasy, Anime, or Horror movie. You don't NEED to know the name of the waltz itself, just the movie it is from (for example, the theme music from Harry Potter is a waltz, several songs from Nightmare Befor Xmas are, etc. Bonus points if you DO know the title of that particular waltz. In case of a tie, correct ballots will be put in a box and a winner drawn. Grand prize will be a DVD of one of the movies.

So fire up your glue guns, get your sewing machines oiled, and get going! We hope to see lots of imagination out there. Don't forget the date, Saturday, October 30, at 6pm, Holiday Inn.

P.S. There will be a photography backdrop available. Be sure to bring your camera and have your friends take snaps of your fabulous costume!

Official Website: http://marscon.org/2011/ball.php

Added by Mr. Christopher on October 3, 2010