All States
Fairfax, South Carolina 29827

On Line Golf - Not A Video Game

Play at your home course.
Use (upload) scores played during local leagues or events.
Play with and against golfers from around the country.
Biggest Dream Productions has in response to economic conditions added a new
"Team Division" to the 44 Doubles Tournament. This division allows golfers to play all steps at their home course, is more affordable to enter, and allows golfers to team up with others from around the country.
It's a little like our National League Bowling sessions, and can be a lot of fun!

How it Works

1) Golfers sign in as 2-somes or singles
2) Teams of 8 are randomly assembled from 2-somes around the county
3) Golfers play their local leagues, and upload those scores to the event site
4) A team must only beat 3 other teams to advance to the next step
5) Advancing 2-somes are reassembled into new 2-somes and teams for each step.
6) Each step consists of 3 rounds, 3 weeks of local league scores.
7) Entry is from $9 to $24.
8) The finals prize round is Sept 2009.
9) The 2-somes in the finals round at that point will be grouped again and play for the money and Fame!

Official Website:

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