2128 Portsmouth
Houston, Texas 77098

Technology nerds and non-profit groups unite with the brand new Houston NetSquared group. The groups exists to advance non-profit organizations's effectiveness through Web-based social tools.

With the advent of new online technologies (such as RSS, blogging and podcasting) even the smallest organization and non-profit group can spread their message to an enormous audience. Join us to participate in the conversation!

Do you have questions on Web 2.0 technologies? Does your organization have social software needs that are not being met yet?

Houston NetSquared was launched to provide a diverse and open forum for Web 2.0 advocates, social software developers, philanthropists and non-profit professionals.

The organization exists to help identify the online technological needs of non-profit groups and to work to develop social software platforms to facilitate the growth and prosperity of non-profits.

Event submitted by Eventful on behalf of happykatie.

Added by happykatie on March 31, 2006


The Moleskin

Probably won't be able to attend tonight. We will see as the day progresses.


I was really hoping to go, but I think I can only stay for the first half hour.