27 Alderley Road
Wilmslow Manchester, England SK9 1HY

To Book go to www.groupout.com

straight, 43—58 years old

These events take place in the most upmarket venues in Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Chester and Wilmslow and are designed for single graduates and/or professionals.

The dress code is smart and numbers are limited to ensure that you spend as much time as possible with each date. Participants will be given a complimentary glass of champagne on entry, and a high quality speed dating experience in stylish surroundings is guaranteed.
These events take place in the most upmarket venues and are designed specifically for single graduates and/or professionals.

Participants will be given a complimentary glass of champagne on entry, and a high quality speed dating experience in stylish surroundings is guaranteed.

With Speed Dating, everyone is there to meet other people - just like you. You have just enough time with each person to decide whether or not you would like to see them again, and you only get put in contact with the people you want to meet who also want to meet you again - no more awkward phone calls and no having to avoid people you don't like.
About a third of visitors come long to these events on their own - we make a point of ensuring our organisers will make sure you are comfortable and put you at your ease. Many people find it easier to bring a friend along for moral support and to help overcome the first date nerves - we are happy to accommodate this.

Added by Molly Dale on July 13, 2012

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