Europa Congress Center
Budapest, Budapest

RNDM 2011 is the third meeting in the series of RNDM workshops. Following the success of the first two events that took place in St. Petersburg (2009) and Moscow (2010), accordingly, RNDM 2011 is aimed at attracting world-class participants from both academia and industry working in the area of reliable networks design and modeling.

The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for researchers from both academia and industry to present the high-quality results in the area of reliable networks design and modeling.

The topics cover, but are not necessarily limited to the following:

coordination of multilayer survivability operations,

design of dedicated/shared backup paths,

fast service recovery,

fault management and control in survivable networks,

impact of detection accuracy and latency on survivability,

methods for measurement, evaluation, or validation of survivability,

modeling malicious behaviour or attacks on networks,

models and algorithms of survivable networks design and modeling,

multilayer network survivability,

optical networks survivability,

p-cycles and other protection structures,

restoration strategies under different types of failures,

role of redundancy in survivable networks,

self-regenerative networks,

service resilience differentiation,

survivability of anycast and multicast networks,

survivability of P2P and overlay systems,

survivability under traffic grooming in multilayer networks,

theory and methods of reliability and availability,

use of self-healing techniques in surviving attacks,

wired/wireless network survivability.

The authors are encouraged to submit full papers describing original, previously unpublished research results, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing state-of-the-art research and development in the area of reliable networks design and modeling. All submitted papers will be reviewed. Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore (confirmation pending) and indexed in relevant databases. Paper submission will be done via EDAS starting from February 2011. The total length of a paper should not exceed 7 pages formatted according to the IEEE Template

Extended papers of special merit will be published in a dedicated special issue of Telecommunication Systems Journal (Springer).

A Best Paper Award will be given.

Conference information provided by

Official Website:

Added by on March 25, 2011