189 Zumbro St.
Theilman, Minnesota 55945

2009 Theilman Street Dance Featuring Bear Creek Band
Opering Act will be Jim and the Country Lads

All proceeds go towards renovating the Theilman Opera House

This will be the Third year for the Theilman Street Dance. Last year was a great success with over 700 people in attendance. A special thanks for all that came out to support. With the proceeds from last years Street Dance we have purchased new windows for the Opera House to seal it up tight and protect it from the elements. The flooring has been torn out and once the joists have been replaced much of the old flooring will be put back down so it can again feel dancing feet.

Each year we get closer to our goal of having these functions inside of the Opera House.

Hope to see everyone there!!!

The Theilman Opera House was built in 1913 by brothers Chris and Henry Eggenberger. The Eggenberger brothers were Theilman residents who not only built the Opera House, but also made the cement blocks it was constructed with.

Originally, a corporation was formed and the Opera House was owned by a group of Theilman residents. Many years later the Theilman Sportsman Club acquired the Opera House and owns it today. Over the years, the Opera House has hosted three act plays, medicine shows, wedding dances, roller skating and even basketball games.

The second level of the Opera House is the ballroom and stage. The main level has a bar area. The rear of the main level was originally partitioned off as a horse barn. There were horse stalls in this area and the local kids were hired to watch the horses while their owners enjoyed a play or a dance.

The last wedding dance the Opera House hosted was in the mid 1980’s. Since this time, the Opera House has been sitting idol. It has significant deferred maintenance and is in a need of a major overhaul.

It is the intention of the Theilman Sportsman’s Club to take on the renovation of the Opera House and preserve the history and early twentieth century charm while bringing it up to today’s standards and safety codes.

The Sportsman’s Club has recommitted itself to preserving Theilman’s history and its historic buildings. Working together with the community and the many people who appreciate the Opera House, we can make a difference.

Many people have abandoned hope for this old building but with donations, fund raising and a lot of hard work and dedication, we can revive the Opera House and make a difference in Theilman and the surrounding communities!

Added by Theilman Sportsman Club on May 11, 2009