400 Corporate Dr
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33334

Florida Direct Marketing Association's 31st Annual Summit – Breakthrough, Breakout, Break with Tradition. The times have changed. Old, established systems that no longer work are giving way to new, more adaptable, environmentally sustainable marketing tactics and technologies. Learn how to diverge from the past without going off the edge, and how to break from the pack to develop breakthrough messaging in the process.

This year's Summit comprises four jam-packed sessions of information and strategies that can be immediately used to grow your company, your client's business and your own consultative educational practices. Topics range from Facebook to Twitter to a Multi-Channel Marketing Fusion Age; you will not be disappointed. Attend full day or lunch only sessions to easily fit your schedule.

Official Website: http://www.fdma.org

Added by fdmaevents on May 7, 2009

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