1208 East 29th St.
Houston, Texas 77009

Are you tired after a long day at work and find little motivation to cook just for yourself? Well put down that delivered pizza and stop raiding the junk compartment of your pantry! Learn how to stock your pantry and fridge with basic items that would prepare you to whip out one of the simplest and most delicious dinners for yourself. Learn quick cooking methods that will save you time and money.

Parmesan Crusted Fish Fillets with Avocado and Cress Salad
Chicken Goujons with Noodles
Baked Cod with Avocado, Shrimp & Cream Cheese
Sirloin of Beef with Baby Bok Choy, Soy Sauce, Ginger and Coconut Rice

Added by Well Done Cooking Classes Housto on July 11, 2012