2001 Point West Way
Sacramento, California 95815

People Helping People (PHP) is a special kind of a company. At PHP, we let you in on what the wealthy are doing to maximize their finances and teach everyday people how to become financially secure. We educate families on money essentials such as how to get started with investing in your future, how to preserve what you have, how to eliminate debt, and other valuable strategies for making the smartest financial moves in today's economy.

So, if you,

Lost money in your 401K?
Don’t have proper protection for your family?
Don’t have a sound, stable plan for retirement?
Would like an exit strategy in today’s down market?
Are ambitious?  An entrepreneur?
Desire true financial freedom?

We’re offering a special opportunity to share the phenomenal story of our company. Find out why people are saying that “People Helping People” (PHP), is one of the fastest growing financial services marketing companies in America”.

So, don't be left out! Come find out why Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Fox News talk-show host Glenn Beck, and best-selling author of “Tax Free Retirement” Patrick Kelly are all endorsing People Helping People.

Mark your calendars and make plans to attend this special event! For more information call: (209) 625-9210

Find out what people are saying about PHP:

“People Helping People empowers those who still believe in the American Dream.” -  Glenn Beck

“PHP is destined to become an international powerhouse in the financial services industry.” - Mental Toughness” author and motivational speaker Steve Siebold.

“It takes courage and guts to get after your dreams.” – PHP Chairman, Patrick Bet-David.

Business Attire!

Parking: Discounted to $2.00 or free street parking.

Added by Elisha Choice on February 15, 2011

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