Taste of Encino
presented by
The Encino Chamber of Commerce
October 9, 2010
We're Moving Locations and We Don't Want You To Miss
The Opportunity To Participate!
St. Cyril School, 4548 Haskell Ave. (at Haskell Ave. and Ventura Blvd)
10 am to 9 pm, Saturday, October 9, 2010
A portion of the proceeds benefit area schools and community betterment projects.
Offering variety ethnic and American food
Local Business Exhibition along with Home Improvement section
Arts & Crafts vendors;
Health & Wellness Pavilion with a Disaster Preparedness area
We have a kid's corner with activities including a Moon Bounce, slide & rock climbing wall and pumpkin patch
Local Schools & Non-Profiits
We will be having a Beer & Wine Pavilion
Entertainment - Live Music. A portion of the proceeds raised at "A Taste of Encino" is used to fund local school and community projects such as the "Teacher of the Year Awards Luncheon: and our Disaster Preparedness Community Outreach.
www.encinochamber.org or [email protected]
Added by jlrjenkins on June 24, 2010