303 W Broad St
Columbus, Ohio 43215

The Dog Jog, in its 21st year, is CHA’s cornerstone fundraiser. We are proud of its longevity and success and we’d like you to join us in celebrating not only the animals at CHA, but also the healthy bond between animals and their guardians. This year’s Dog Jog co-exist with the CHA Family Health Fair, and will feature pet and people-related vendors, games, food and music.

Did you know that studies have shown that owning a pet can add years to your life? By adopting and caring for a shelter animal, you are not only saving a life, but improving your health, as well. So please join us on August 20 to celebrate you, your pets, and ours!

In 2010 we raised over $10,000 for the homeless animals at CHA Animal Shelter at the Dog Jog, please join us this year in our new location and make our 21st Dog Jog bigger and better than ever!

Dog Jog T-shirt and size is guaranteed when you pre-register by August 1.

$25 CHA Adopters and Members Pre-registration
$30 Pre-registration
$35 Day of Race Registration

Registration Begins at 8 a.m., 5K Walk/Run begins at 9 a.m.

Official Website: http://www.chaanimalshelter.org/DogJog.html

Added by sue27bee on July 18, 2011

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