855 Hearthstone
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806

The 20th Annual Big Buddy Burger Bash will be held Thursday, February 11th form 6-8pm at Catholic High Schoo, 855 Hearthstone. For a $10 donation you will receive a meal which includes a burger with all the fixin's, chips and ice cream. To-Go orders are welcome and may be placed in advance on-line at www.bigbuddyprogram.org, but should you choose to "dine-in" entertainment will be provided by Little Buddies. For more information or to purchase your tickets call 225-388-9737, log onto www.bigbuddyprogram.org, or visit our Facebook page.

Official Website: http://www.bigbuddyprogram.org

Added by lshardison on January 23, 2010

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