80 Hughes Street
Buffalo, New York 14208

2012 Canisius College Quebeçois Film Festival - Free and Open to the Public. Special Faculty Lectures at each screening. Films in French with English Subtitles. Funded by a Grant from the Québec Government. Schedule as follows:
Mon Feb 6 - Mon Oncle Antoine -Regis North* at 2pm/7pm
Tues Feb 7 - Incendies - Regis North at 2pm/7pm
Wed Feb 8 - Aurore - Regis North at 2pm/7pm
Thurs Feb 9 - Aurore - Regis North at 2pm/7pm
Fri Feb 10 - Polytechnique - Regis North at 2pm/7pm
Sat Feb 11 - Maurice Richard - **Montante Cultural Center at Canisius College at 7pm
Sun Feb 12 - Maurice Richard - Regis North at 2pm only
* Regis North is located on the 2nd floor of the Winter Student Center, 80 Hughes Street, Buffalo, NY 14208.
** Montante Cultural Center is located at 2021 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14208

Added by Dayle - Buffalo CCG on January 17, 2012