80 Hughes Street
Buffalo, New York 14208

2012 Canisius College Québécois Film Festival
Free and Open to the Public. Special Faculty Lectures at Each Screening. Films in French with English Subtitles.
Monday, February 6th- Mon Oncle Antoine- Regis North 2pm and 7pm
Tuesday, February 7th-Incendies-Regis North 2pm and 7pm
Wednesday, February 8th- Aurore-Regis North 2pm and 7pm
Thursday, February 9th- Aurore-Regis North 2pm
Friday, February 10th-Polytechnique-Regis North 2pm and 7pm
Saturday, February 11th-Maurice Richard-Montante Cultural Center 7pm
Sunday, February 12th-Maurice Richard-Regis North 2pm
Regis North is located on the 2nd floor of the Winter Student Center, 80 Hughes St., Buffalo, NY 14208.
Montante Cultural Center is located at 2021Main St. Buffalo, NY 14208.
Funded by Québec Studies Program Grant, Professors and Researchers Component, awarded to Dr. Eileen M. Angelini of Canisius College by the Québec Government.

Added by Dayle - Buffalo CCG on January 11, 2012