Brooklyn, Queens & Staten Island, Central Singapore

Training is required for all positions, even those returning to a current/former position.


Basic Chapter Success Training For Leadership Team Officers (Required for Presidents, VPS, Secretary/Treasurers & Leadership Team Alternate).

Brooklyn - Wednesday, 3/18 from 4 to 9 PM Location: Bridgeview Diner 9011 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209; Cost: $30 per person if paid by 3/138; $40 after.

Queens - Friday, 3/20 from 7 AM to 12 PM. Location: Clearview Park Golf Course; 202-12 Williets Point Blvd, Bayside, NY 11360. Cost: $20 per person paid by 3/13; $30 after.

Staten Island: Monday 3/23 from 4-9 PM Location: Veranda @ Silver Lake Golf Course 915 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10301. Cost: $30 per person if paid by 3/13; $40 after.

Organized by BNI New York City Outer Boroughs Region
BNI is the world's largest business networking and referral organization, with over 105,000 members in 5,000+ chapters in 39 Countries!
BNI offers business people the opportunity to share ideas, contacts and qualified business referrals.>

The New York City Outer Boroughs Region is composed of Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island, New York. Visit our website at www.bniouterboros.com.

Ticket Info:  
  • Brooklyn - Early Bird - BASIC TRAINING, $30.00
  • Queens - Early Bird - BASIC TRAINING, $20.00
  • Staten Island - EARLY BIRD - BASIC TRAINING, $30.00
  • Brooklyn - BASIC TRAINING, $40.00
  • Queens - BASIC TRAINING, $30.00
  • Staten Island - BASIC TRAINING, $40.00

Official Website: http://bninycobbasiclt-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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